pelatihan Components of standard conveyor online   ABSTRACT pelatihan Nature of bulk solids online The workshop is broken into three days – the first two days will cover basic conveyors, selection, safety, legal obligations, terminology and background and an optional third day will deal with the nuts and bolts of conveyor, chute and feeder design. Belt conveyors frequently provide the most satisfactory and economical method of transporting materials such as mine ores, earth, sand, crushed stone, cement and concrete. The high and continuous speed of operation of the belt makes for a high capacity of transport of materials. This workshop is designed for engineers and technicians from a wide range of abilities and backgrounds and will provide an excellent introduction to troubleshooting, maintenance and basic design rules of conveyors and chutes. It is intended to cover the fundamentals of belt conveying and would be useful for those with little experience in this area. Before commencing a detailed course on conveyors it is important to have a solid practical knowledge of the material to be conveyed. A basic knowledge is provided of the bulk materials characteristics and properties. This will enable you to have a far stronger ability to troubleshoot and design workable conveyor systems. Numerous tips throughout the course make it practical and topical. You will also engage in problem solving and case studies to absorb the materials as quickly and effectively as possible. COURSE CONTENT pelatihan Troubleshooting conveyor problems online 1.  INTRODUCTION * Fundamentals of bulk materials handling * Nature of bulk solids * Characteristics of generally used bulk materials * Conveyors and chutes overview 2. BELT CONVEYING * Introduction * Layout * Basic Configuration * Components of a standard conveyor * Capacity of belt conveyors and selection of belt width * Materials and components Selection * Pulley & Other rotating Parts * Simple calculation of belt tension * Selection of drive * Troubleshooting tips * Take-ups * Belts Operations * Tips for cost savings * Practical Exercise 3. SAFETY OF CONVEYORS * Conveyor safety standard * General background on AS 4024.1 (RA and hazard recognition) * Hazard recognition * History of accidents * Key conveyor safety issues * Demonstration of unsafe conveyors * AS 1755 conveyors * Chute doors hazards and controls * Case Study * Practical Exercise 4.  TROUBLESHOOTING OF CONVEYORS * Troubleshooting conveyor problems * Types of joints * Splice failures * Splice inspections * Splice repairs * Typical problems * Root cause process * Systematic approach for tracking * Site specific problems * Case Study * Practical Exercise 5.    STORAGE AND FLOW * Flow properties of materials * Funnel – flow and expanded flow * Flow rate analysis * Gravity reclaim * Bin wall pressures * Practical Exercise 6. BELT TENSION CALCULATION * Carrying Surface * Drive Data * Environment * Height * Length * Loading Rate * Material * Pulley Diameter * Speed * Take-up. Type * Width of Belt (Inches) 7. SELECT THE PROPER REINFORCEMENT (USUALLY FABRIC) COMBINATIONS * Flexibility to negotiate the pulleys * Troughability * Impact Resistance * Load Support 8. CHUTE DESIGN * Liner selection * Use of solidworks * DEM and application to transfer design * Stress analysis using cosmos * Chute Design Exercise 9. FEEDER DESIGN * Calculation of loads/drive torques and power * Feeder selection * Feeder Design Exercise 10.APPLICATIONS AND FUTURE TRENDS * Case studies * Future trends in conveyors, feeders and chutes WHO WILL BENEFIT/PARTICIPANT * Technicians and Maintenance Engineers * Plant Engineers * Operation, Maintenance, Inspection and Repair Managers, * Supervisors and Engineers * Mechanical Engineers and Technicians * Design Engineers * Electrical Engineers and Technicians * Consulting Engineers COURSE METHODS training Components of standard conveyor murah * Presentation * Discuss * Case Study * Evaluation * Simulation   Jadwal Training Terbaru di Tahun 2023 Training Bulan Januari : 10-11 Januari 2023 Training Bulan Februari : 7-8 Februari 2023 Training Bulan Maret : 7-8 Maret 2023 Training Bulan April : 18-19 April 2023 Training Bulan Mei : 16-17 Mei 2023 Training Bulan Juni : 6-7 Juni 2023 Training Bulan Juli : 11-12 Juli 2023 Training Bulan Agustus : 22-23 Agustus 2023 Training Bulan September : 12-13 September 2023 Training Bulan Oktober : 10-11 Oktober 2023 Training Bulan November : 7-8 November 2023 Training Bulan Desember : 5-6 Desember 2023 Jadwal tersebut juga dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta Pemateri/ Trainer Pelatihan ini akan diberikan oleh Trainer dari kalangan Praktisi, Akademisi dan Konsultan berpengalaman di bidangnya masing-masing. FAQ tentang Surya Training A : Berapa minimal running pelatihan ini ? Q : Pelatihan ini akan running idealnya minimal dengan 3 peserta A : Apakah bisa jika saya hanya ingin pelatihan sendiri aja / private course ? Q : Bisa, kami akan membantu menyelenggarakan pelatihan 1 hari jika ada persetujuan dari klien A : Dimana saja pelatihan biasanya di selenggarakan? Q : Pelatihan kami selenggarakan di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia seperti Bandung, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Bali, Lombok dan beberapa negara seperti Singapore dan Malaysia A : Apakah bisa diselenggarakan selain di kota lain? B : Penyelenggaraan pelatihan bisa diadakan di kota lain dengan minimal kuota 5 orang setiap kelas A : Apakah bisa juga diselenggarakan secara IHT/ In House Training di Perusahaan klien ? B : Bisa diselenggarakan secara IHT di Perusahaan klien Q : Apakah jadwal bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan klien ? A : Jadwal pelatihan dapat di sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan klien. Namun konfirmasi minimal 2 minggu sebelum pelaksaan pelatihan. Informasi lebih lanjut Customer Service : +62 822-9767-5557 (Available WhatsApp) email :