pelatihan Expanded DiSC system online Personal Assessment with Expanded-DiSC   “E-DISC – CERTIFICATION WORKSHOP” pelatihan Expanded DiSC model online The EXPANDED DISC has been developed from original version in the last six years. This version was develop by organization who leads in technology and know-how in so many fields, is now home to the worlds most advanced assessment system. It has 2 validated format in bahasa Indonesia and customized delivery reports options. provides certification workshop in EXPANDED DISC products to HR Profesional as consultants, managers, trainers etc. in business and human resource/human capital, personal development, and organizational development. The EXPANDED DISC products help delivers these outcomes for your employees or clients: * Advanced and comprehensive interpretation of 4 Factors System for Strategic Business Process Diagnosis * Tap into core strengths for top performance and leadership * Accelerate team cohesiveness and consensus through Team Culture Analysis * Optimize how to listen and respond for maximum impact Why The Expanded DISC? The EXPANDED DISC has been developed from original version in the last six years. This version was develop by organization who leads in technology and know-how in so many fields, is now home to the worlds most advanced assessment system. Most of Psychologist and Non-Psychologist who use old DISC already upgrade their assessment to EXPANDED DISC. They like the enhanced technical and application capabilities of the EXPANDED DISC, as well as the fair and reasonable price. So, join the hundreds of organizations that have upgraded theirs assessment to Expanded DISC. Workshop Objectives pelatihan Advanced Interpretation Techniques online 1. To become familiar and comfortable with the EXPANDED DISC system 2. To understand about various applications of tools in the EXPANDED DISC 3. To learn how to score and interpret the basic and advanced reports in the EXPANDED DISC DAY 1 (Basic E-DiSC ) pelatihan advanced reports Expanded DiSC online PERSONAL ANALYSIS & WORK PAIR ANALYSIS * Background of EXPANDED DISC * The Behavioral Styles * Walk-through of typical half-day workshop EXPANDED DISC Model * Interpreting the Personal Analysis * Interpreting the Work Pair Analysis * Advanced Interpretation Techniques DAY 2 (Advance E-DiSC) * TEAM & ADVANCED TOOLS TRAINING: * PERSONALITY QUOTIENT (PQ CONCEPT) * TEAM ANALYSIS: Scoring, Application & Interpretation. * PERSONAL / TEAM 360ËšASSESSMENT: Scoring, Application & Interpretation * JOB/TASK ANALYSIS: Scoring, Application & Interpretation * TEAM ALIGNMENT: Scoring, Application & Interpretation What will you get? This basic certification training includes: 1. Personal Style Analysis Report Generation Software (CD Installer) for 100 assessments (training Expanded DiSC system murah 300 value) 2. Manuals 3. Training materials, case practices in CD format (Softcopy) 4. Bahasa Indonesia version Questionnaires (Format A) 5. Validated alternative Format B –> for validation 6. Customized delivery options for reports 7. Certificate of completion Jadwal Training Terbaru di Tahun 2023 Training Bulan Januari : 10-11 Januari 2023 Training Bulan Februari : 7-8 Februari 2023 Training Bulan Maret : 7-8 Maret 2023 Training Bulan April : 18-19 April 2023 Training Bulan Mei : 16-17 Mei 2023 Training Bulan Juni : 6-7 Juni 2023 Training Bulan Juli : 11-12 Juli 2023 Training Bulan Agustus : 22-23 Agustus 2023 Training Bulan September : 12-13 September 2023 Training Bulan Oktober : 10-11 Oktober 2023 Training Bulan November : 7-8 November 2023 Training Bulan Desember : 5-6 Desember 2023 Jadwal tersebut juga dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta Pemateri/ Trainer Pelatihan ini akan diberikan oleh Trainer dari kalangan Praktisi, Akademisi dan Konsultan berpengalaman di bidangnya masing-masing. FAQ tentang Surya Training A : Berapa minimal running pelatihan ini ? Q : Pelatihan ini akan running idealnya minimal dengan 3 peserta A : Apakah bisa jika saya hanya ingin pelatihan sendiri aja / private course ? Q : Bisa, kami akan membantu menyelenggarakan pelatihan 1 hari jika ada persetujuan dari klien A : Dimana saja pelatihan biasanya di selenggarakan? Q : Pelatihan kami selenggarakan di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia seperti Bandung, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Bali, Lombok dan beberapa negara seperti Singapore dan Malaysia A : Apakah bisa diselenggarakan selain di kota lain? B : Penyelenggaraan pelatihan bisa diadakan di kota lain dengan minimal kuota 5 orang setiap kelas A : Apakah bisa juga diselenggarakan secara IHT/ In House Training di Perusahaan klien ? B : Bisa diselenggarakan secara IHT di Perusahaan klien Q : Apakah jadwal bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan klien ? A : Jadwal pelatihan dapat di sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan klien. Namun konfirmasi minimal 2 minggu sebelum pelaksaan pelatihan. Informasi lebih lanjut Customer Service : +62 822-9767-5557 (Available WhatsApp) email :