pelatihan Property Management online Property Management Background Training Property Management pelatihan understanding the Property Management online This course provides an overview of the variety of tasks performed by property management personnel/companies and the differentiation of the management approaches used by commercial and residential managers. In addition to the material provided by the instructor on and offline, the course features guest speakers with expert knowledge of property management issues and  case studies which allow participants  to  implement knowledge obtained through their readings and lectures. This course covers the fundamental principles involved in the management of residential property, including asset management, management agreements, residential leasing, physical management of the asset, mathematics of property management, laws, and ethics. Ranging from the legal aspects of property management to the effective management of people, and from the financial control principles of real estate to the deployment of advanced technology in construction and design, this is a course for the manager of the future. It gives participants  in-depth understanding of the breadth of the commercial property management role, including valuation, planning and development Objectives Training Property Management pelatihan Property Management tecnique online Having completed the course, the participants should have accomplished the followings: * Understanding the workings of a property management company * Understanding the differences in managing different property types * Improving the decision making process as part of a property management company * Know and identify the responsibilities of a leasing consultant, on-site manager and property manager, and demonstrate an ability to use technology in business * Effective communication * Basic analytical and quantitative techniques used in business * Demonstrate an ability to apply knowledge in new and unfamiliar circumstances through a conceptual understanding of relevant disciplines and requirements for sustainability * Demonstrate an understanding of the need to adapt and innovate to solve problems, to cope with unforeseen events, and to manage in unpredictable environments * Effective decision making with ethical considerations * Understand the marketing process of an apartment or property. Be able to do market surveys. And recognize and understand lease agreements. * Identify and implement resident retention plan. Describe the importance of maintenance in an apartment community or any property. Understand and implement a maintenance plan. Contents Training Property Management pelatihan Property Management for industrial online 1. Introduction to Property Management * Real estate property classification * Roles of property managers * Introduction to the field of rental management * Management defined * Job description Duties of the site manager * Management skills 2. Marketing Management * Marketing principles & costs * Advertisement strategy and methods * Understanding the Market * Market surveys 3. Property Management plans & relationships with owners * Economy & real estate * Management plan – macro and micro analysis * Types of management – owner relationships * Contracts 4. Managing Leases, Maintenance – construction * Essential lease elements * Maintenance procedures, inspections * New construction 5. Managing Leases, negotiations & tenant relationships * Types of lease payments * Essential lease elements * Tenant qualification * Lease term negotiation & condition 6. Managing the office and Reports * Steps in establishing the office * Personnel organization * Determining expenses & fees 7. Managing office property * Market & property analysis * Marketing office space * Tenant qualification process & negotiation 8. Managing Retail & Industrial Property * Classification of shopping centers * Marketing & leasing retail property * Types of industrial property & the market 9. Managing Residential property & specialized housing * Property types * Market analysis * Maintaining the apartment building & reports * Property types & their management 10. Risk and environment * Types of risk & insurance * Managing Environmental issues 11. Life Safety issues * Life & Safety Codes * Safety requirements for commercial properties Methods Training Property Management : training Property Management murah * Presentation * Discussion * Case Study
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