pelatihan Sanitation in Catering Activities online Catering Service, Hygiene & Sanitation (INCLUDING PERSONAL HYGIENE) (BANDUNG) OBJECTIVES IN THIS SESSION : pelatihan special fuction menu online The Participants will understand and aware the importants of hygiene and sanitation that’s why they have to learn : * Sanitation Definition * General Objectives of Sanitation * Garbage System * Sanitation in Catering Activities * Food Hygiene * Food Sanitation METHODS IN THIS SESSION : $ * presentation * Discussion * Question and Answer CULINARY After completing the course, the participants of Culinary Training Course will be expected to be able to : pelatihan standard recipes online 1. Describe the definition and function of Total Quality Service to internal customers 2. To explain 5 dimentions of Quality Service as supporting staff 3. To demonstrate how to behave when delivering quality service in order to meet to internal customer’s high service standars 4. To explain the definition of moment of truth when delivering quality service to internal customers 5. To explain the function of moment of truth in delivering quality service 6. To draw the internal cycle of quality service in the catering section 7. To explain the structure of menu, types of menu, special fuction menu, types of menu according to meal time, factors affecting the menu preparation and techniques of menu writing 8. To prepare cooking equipments and utensils needed for the effective operation in catering section 9. To explain some principles of selecting commodities to obtain the high standard of cooking preparation 10. To explain and demonstrate the preparation of food dishes related to the section he/she in charge : vegetables cutting, cooking methods, butchering, preparing basic sauce needed for the daily operation of kitchen section 11. To taste and check the kitchen products before serving to meet the”standard recipes, standard portion and standard presentation” of the company METHODS IN THIS SESSION : training Sanitation in Catering Activities murah * Lecturing and presentation * Discussion * Learning by doing * Role Playing * Practice in Hotel WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIS TRAINING? : * General service supervisor/ superintendent/ manager * Camp service or township supervisor/ superintendent/ manager * Field operation supervisor/ superintendent/ manager * Logistic supervisor/ superintendent/ manager * Staff who deals or takes care and involve in contract of accommodation and catering services * Everybody or professional who wants to broaden knowledge or gain benefit from this course Jadwal Training Terbaru di Tahun 2023 Training Bulan Januari : 10-11 Januari 2023 Training Bulan Februari : 7-8 Februari 2023 Training Bulan Maret : 7-8 Maret 2023 Training Bulan April : 18-19 April 2023 Training Bulan Mei : 16-17 Mei 2023 Training Bulan Juni : 6-7 Juni 2023 Training Bulan Juli : 11-12 Juli 2023 Training Bulan Agustus : 22-23 Agustus 2023 Training Bulan September : 12-13 September 2023 Training Bulan Oktober : 10-11 Oktober 2023 Training Bulan November : 7-8 November 2023 Training Bulan Desember : 5-6 Desember 2023 Jadwal tersebut juga dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta Pemateri/ Trainer Pelatihan ini akan diberikan oleh Trainer dari kalangan Praktisi, Akademisi dan Konsultan berpengalaman di bidangnya masing-masing. FAQ tentang Surya Training A : Berapa minimal running pelatihan ini ? Q : Pelatihan ini akan running idealnya minimal dengan 3 peserta A : Apakah bisa jika saya hanya ingin pelatihan sendiri aja / private course ? Q : Bisa, kami akan membantu menyelenggarakan pelatihan 1 hari jika ada persetujuan dari klien A : Dimana saja pelatihan biasanya di selenggarakan? Q : Pelatihan kami selenggarakan di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia seperti Bandung, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Bali, Lombok dan beberapa negara seperti Singapore dan Malaysia A : Apakah bisa diselenggarakan selain di kota lain? B : Penyelenggaraan pelatihan bisa diadakan di kota lain dengan minimal kuota 5 orang setiap kelas A : Apakah bisa juga diselenggarakan secara IHT/ In House Training di Perusahaan klien ? B : Bisa diselenggarakan secara IHT di Perusahaan klien Q : Apakah jadwal bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan klien ? A : Jadwal pelatihan dapat di sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan klien. Namun konfirmasi minimal 2 minggu sebelum pelaksaan pelatihan. Informasi lebih lanjut Customer Service : +62 822-9767-5557 (Available WhatsApp) email :